Tarot Blog 1

I pulled four cards for today’s blog, in which I got the 8 of Pentacles, The Devil, the 2 of Swords, and the 10 of Wands. For those who are new to my card pulling technique, I shuffle the cards and the ones that clearly fly out are the messages I consider. Afterwards, I take the bottom of the deck (in this case, the 10 of Wands) as the overarching theme of the message.

Let’s start with the general significance/messages of each card according to this specific deck:

-8 of Pentacles: “Your determination is bringing success. Questions: Have I been focusing on my goals? Am I making changes to better my life? Affirmation: I am on a path to make my dreams a reality. General Messages: Hard work and focus; encouragement and reassurance; investing in yourself.”

-The Devil (Represents Capricorn): (A little note: She FLEW out. It had previously flipped over in my deck, and I put it back since I like cards to clearly jump out for direct messages. And boy did confirmation come!!!) “Affirmation: I let go of toxic thoughts, patterns, and people. General Messages: Destructive patterns and behaviors; relationship imbalances; vices and temptations.”

-2 of Swords: Questions: What is my intuition telling me? Am I putting off something inevitable? Affirmation: I trust in my ability to make the best decision I can. General Messages: Seeking rebalance to a situation; avoiding making a tough choice; a pause before the storm.”

-10 of Wands. “You don’t need to do this on your own. Questions: How can I rekindle joy in my life? How can I take care of my own needs better? Affirmation: I let a fresh flow of power, inspiration, and joy guide me. General Messages: Success coupled with heavy responsibility; stress causing relationship issues; need to manage your time and resources.”

Let’s put it all together shall we? Overall, I feel as though a lot of you have a big project you’ve either been planning to do or have been working on for a while that you believe will set your future trajectory. You feel a bit exhausted and perhaps a bit overwhelmed because the execution is proving to be a lot more work than you expected. Perhaps you’re feeling a bit isolated and lonely as well. The main message here is that you are not alone! You have more support than you believe. Try asking for help. For some of you, this may be a case of perfectionism getting in the way. I wouldn’t know anything about that (sarcasm, by the way). Just because other people help you doesn’t mean what you’re working on will be ruined. Something tells me your watchful eye wouldn’t let them come close to that anyway. For others, you feel like you’re not “actually accomplishing” this feat if you’re not doing it completely alone, or that somehow asking for help means “you are a failure”.

Now… What does failure mean to you? For me, it means I didn’t accomplish what I said I was going to... And in turn I am also a failure. Interestingly enough, when you look up the exact definition, failure means: Lack of success. Read that again. Does it say, “No success, like at all” or “Wow, you suck”? Instead of seeing an unexpected obstacle as a “failure,” what if you asked yourself: What was successful about this? Before you start saying, “Nothing” (you’re not the only self-deprecating asshole on this page), I invite you to really think about this. Seriously. Your lack of success could be attributed to the environment, a factor in the process, or maybe the process itself. Sometimes it’s a lesson on how we view things or how we are resistant to changing something that simply isn’t working.

Like I said before, you have a support system and a community to lean on. However, I do think some of you get wrapped up in encompassing doom and gloom statements that include “everyone” or “everything.” Such as, “Everyone is selfish” or “Everything sucks right now.” Usually (always) you can narrow down “everyone” to one, two, maybe three people, and “everything” can be narrowed down to one circumstance. With The Devil card, for some of you there seems to be one person from your past that really affected your self-worth and confidence. You seem to have limiting beliefs holding you back and a warped combination of societal, familial, or internal expectations that are stopping you from reaching your fullest potential. These could be translating as: “Who do I think I am for wanting something so big?,” “Why would this happen for someone like me?,” or “I’m not capable or worthy of this.” You are the only person who gets a say in your future. Why does anyone else get to choose your path? Do you think you have the right to do the same for others? You can achieve whatever you desire. You simply have to believe it.

Again, there seems to be a lot of you who are overwhelmed and feel like you’re going into this project blind. However, I have the feeling that a lot of you may be a little overprepared. (lol) Spirit says you have done a lot of research and preparation, like doomsday prepper level. You are ready to start now. The power is in your hands. The only way you will learn how to do it is by actually doing it. Who would’ve thought? It is time to dedicate that time worrying and researching to purposeful action and learning. Remember, failure isn’t no success whatsoever, it is simply the lack of success in that given moment. Failure is learning so that you stop wasting time and start living your dreams. My friend, it is either you start doing or you let opportunities pass you by. Seems like a no brainer. Channel that hardworking, persistent, and stubborn Capricorn energy, believe in your capabilities, and trust in your power to achieve those goals. 

Cheers to rewriting failure.


P.S. Want to chat about conquering limiting beliefs, rewriting failure, kicking procrastination in the butt, or any of the themes referenced above? Shoot me an e-mail and we can chat. <3


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